
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ouch! What an end to the haters of love!

She was wind - you wouldn't notice her, until she walked right past you. She would get awkward every time you turned around to check what was that feeling of extreme happiness that walked past you moments ago. She would drown in her own inhibitions, and yet emerge victorious every time you challenged her. She was wind.

He was a cyclone. It was impossible for anyone to ignore him. He was the disco ball of every party. He would confidently look into your eyes and take your breath away. He would win every challenge that came across him with grace. He was in love with himself. He was cyclone.

And when they met - oh! isn't it pretty easy to guess? The wind was lost in the cyclone. She whirled around, up and down, round and round, she didn't know what was happening to her. She was dancing like she never had never before. But soon, the dust joined in, and then the wind and the cyclone couldn't breath. They wanted to break free but dust was powerful. But hey did they give up? The wind lost her trust, she was lost in her inhibitions, she had stopped breathing. The cyclone kept fighting, he kept fighting for himself, he wanted to break-free no matter what. But the dust was powerful, and he laughed at them, he mocked them, he threw them around, and he entered their hearts.

But who knew, the the wind will suddenly wake up, and try to breathe, and try harder, and she did. She whirled around like never before, danced exactly how the cyclone had taught her to. She danced, and she grabbed the cyclone, now they both were one.

Dust gave up. Too soon? But who will have the guts to challenge, a love so pure? Cyclone calmed down, her hug had worked, he kissed her, and they both came to a stand-still leaving the dust alone. The dust came dashing to the ground. And ouch what an end to the haters of love!

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