
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Abusing the innocence

She was as young as a 6th grader. Had recently started to hit puberty and was experiencing the anxieties she couldn't understand. She felt like she was losing herself to the constant don’t do this, don’t do that of the society. She was confused, happy, anxious, sad, angry everything at the same time. She felt dirty, clean, pretty, ugly everything together. She was not an adult neither a kid any more, and this often put her in the state of trance.

Summer vacations are always the time to have fun, enjoy, visit new places and meet relatives. Like every year, this time she will be meeting her uncles and aunts, and she was very excited about it. She was going to meet her mom’s uncle and aunt and their family this year. She was meeting them for the first time. She had packed a day before and was super excited to leave the following morning. She had heard great stories about her uncle and aunt, they had spent a great amount of time in a foreign country, and recently their son had returned from abroad, Mom had told her he had brought lots of chocolates for her. She had never expected that this visit will be so memorable that the scenes from the two days she spent there, will haunt her all her life.

They had reached the house and hour back. She was introduced to everyone there and was very happy with all the chocolates, games, gifts and so much delicacies that was offered to her. Soon, she got bored of the constant yapping of her mom and aunt. Noticing her boredom, her aunt asked her to go inside and play on the computer for a while. You can’t imagine the happiness on her face when her aunt mentioned COMPUTER. Those were the days when everyone did not own a computer, and those who owned one were not allowed to sit and play on them most of the times, as computers those days were only for work. She jumped from her seat and went inside. While trying to figure out how to switch on the computer, her uncle came to her rescue. A man in his 50s, sat beside her while she was busy playing a game. Slowly made her sit in his lap, put his hands around her waist, and in no time his hands were inside her t-shirt, caressing her tiny growing breasts. She sat there in disgust, in confusion, in pain for 15 long minutes, after which she just got up and went to her mother, sat there in silence till dinner was served. The man continued to sit beside her whenever he got a chance the entire evening, picking up magazines are showing her images of scantily clad women, describing them to be sexy. She was scared, could not move, could not utter a word, just wanted to run away from that house and never return back.

That night she had a hard time sleeping. And as she got some sleep, it was morning already. And to add to the horror and pain, as soon as she opened her eyes she could feel that man’s hands inside her night-dress. She could hear his voice, saying, “Beta, sleep, this will give you a nice sleep”. She got up pushing him behind and went to her mother, asking her to leave from that place at once. She kept throwing tantrums until her mom finally decided to leave. The entire time her mom kept dismissing her tantrums by saying, “She is very close to her father, can’t stay away from him even for a night you see”.

That incident still haunts her. She has kept quiet about it for years together. That uncle is avoided in most of the family functions, by most of her female cousins, probably because she was not the only victim. 

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