
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Facts, not beliefs should be the basis of any investigation

Since last several days I have been keeping the track of all the videos, articles, reports, trolls about Tarun Tejpal molesting a female colleague. I have also been keeping track about the most sensationalized Aarushi Talwar murder case, and in both of the cases, the ideas exchanged, the discussions of the possible situations, outcomes, the statements made, and the real or the made-up stories surrounding them has amazed me.
Look at, how judgemental we human beings are. We do not care about any proofs and evidences; all we concentrate on is our beliefs. There is an immense difference between facts and beliefs, and we fail to understand that difference again and again.

In his statement, I read on Firstpost, Tarun Tejpal alleged that the incident was 'only light-hearted bantering which led to a moment of privacy’ and the victim, post the incident, was out late into the night attending parties and social gatherings.' No matter what the real story is, who is right and who is wrong, the statement is so contradictory. The man, accepts the fact that it was a ‘light-hearted bantering’, which as the tone suggests is very normal for the educated and open people should be and yet what follows is ‘she was late out into the night attending parties and social gatherings’, so what? Someone is disturbed, is out in a professional event, does not have the time to sit and think what someone she respects has done to her, what is the harm in going and partying?

Why we are so entangles in our beliefs, in the rules we have made for ourselves. Why is being disturbed and sad attached to sitting alone, or getting angry or creating a scene? Why can’t someone who is molested, have no expression of insult, scare or anger on her face?

Every girl gets molested at least once in her life, in the hands of someone she knows, how many cases like that have been reported? I was 14 when I was molested by a family member, he caressed by breasts, which had just started to grow. I got up from there and kept and sat besides my mom, and wouldn't leave her hand till we are out of that place. I was still smiling, playing and talking normally to my mom and everyone around; include that person who tried molesting me. I expressed my discomfort only after years, when my family planned to go to their place again, and the plan was cancelled after hearing what the man of the family had done to me.

Before you make statements, or thrust the rules you have made in your own mind on others, come to terms with the reality, with the fact that a women is not always weak, that a women can show no emotions and yet fight for her rights. Every person is different and has his/her own way of dealing with things, and in the eyes of law, facts and only facts are valid, not any belief of self-made conclusions.

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